Saturday, September 25, 2010

Market Day by Ellie

We went to the market today. It was cool. It was like the farmer's market because it had tents. First we saw these cool toys that only cost 1 Euro. And then we saw these shirts that were really fuzzy (they were fur coats). Then we saw these cute pets. There were chipmunks, hamsters, birds, guinea pigs, fish, & turtles. Then we bought some vegetables including the giantist tomato ever on Earth! (my mom took a picture of it sitting in a pasta bowl) Then we saw a fish market, cheese and meats, and then we went home.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Ellie, I love that huge tomatoe! So nice in the color and the shape! Just the right object to paint for our art class! We should do an art class online, you and me. that would be cool, wouldn't it!
    I love the pets, do you think you will get one?
    I miss you
